3 Ways to Change Your Story

Events of the past can affect our current life. If we had a history of financial loss, job loss, loss of love or damage of any type, we surrender and think that this is the way it will always be. You may have experienced this in the past, but that is the key; it is in the past. If you look at the experiences from a higher level, most likely you grew spiritually from them.

The setbacks laid the foundation for who you are today. And just because that happened in the past does not mean it will in the future. You can change your story and change your life going forward. Healing can take place, and you emerge from a different place.

If you look outside your window today, you may see beautiful clouds, maybe some birds, and a car going by. If you look out your window tomorrow, it will not look the same. The Universe is in constant motion and is never the same. Similarly, with your beautiful life, the past does not have to define who you are today, tomorrow, or next year.



1. 17 Second Rule – Every time you are dwelling on something negative, change the thought to something positive, and hold that thought for 17 seconds. Then that thought will attract another positive thought with a similar vibration. You can do this mentally, speaking or writing.

2. Do Something Exciting – Create some emotional fireworks. Small shifts will make impacts on your life if done on a consistent basis. Read, play music, dance, daydream, spend time in nature, paint. Do what makes your heart sing. Whatever enters the mind repeatedly, shapes the mind and is what we become.

3. Remember Joy – Sit comfortably with your feet on the floor. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body. Remember one incident from your life that gave you considerable joy. Use all your senses to live in that place of comfort. What do you see? Hear? Taste? Smell? Stay in this moment for two minutes.

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