3 Ways to Make Your Affirmations Work

Do you ever feel your affirmations are not working? You are doing all the right things: meditating, affirmations, visualizations and prayers and yet nothing is changing. You are still struggling with work, your health or money problems. Some days, you may give up and feel that all that positive thinking does not work. Well, I say STOP! It does work and please do not give up. Try these three ways to make your affirmations work.

If we had perfect faith in our hearts and minds, you could initiate change instantly. But, the fact remains that we must cultivate and grow perfect faith, and that may take some time. You are dealing with habits, and negative thoughts that have been with you probably your entire life and that type of change takes time.

What I can tell you, is that it is worth the time and effort you are putting in to change your life. God wants us to have beautiful lives filled with love, peace, and abundance. Through our life experiences, we have learned to expect less than that. But, it is never too late to change.

Sometimes before everything goes right, everything may seem to go all wrong. This is when you need to stand firm and continue your affirmations. The change you want can be right around the corner. Even when everything seems wrong, that is movement, and that is an indication that your affirmations are working!

Three Ways:

1. With Feeling – It is not the number of times you repeat the affirmation, but, the feeling that you put into them that matter. Before you start to say them, stop, close your eyes and envision a connection with your I AM presence. Make that connection with Source. Then state your affirmations with feeling, love, and faith.
2. Mirror Work – Look in the mirror and be willing to release old feelings and patterns. Tell yourself that you are eager to change. Then say your affirmations while looking deep into your eyes. It will take several times to feel authentic while doing this technique.
3. Physical Release – Sit in a chair and relax your body starting with your scalp, your face, shoulders, and continue down to your feet. Take some deep breaths and relax. Next, say to yourself the following:
a. I am willing to release and let go.
b. I release all fear.
c. I release all sadness.
d. I trust the process of life.
e. Next, say your affirmations in this relaxed state.

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