3 Words That Will Calm Your Mind

Life is challenging and when we are going through transitions and changes it can be more difficult to control our thoughts and our minds. But, that is also the time for the most growth. Positive thoughts produce positive results. The key is to be vigilant about your thoughts because improved results may take time. There are 3 words that will calm your mind that I often use.

This sounds so simple and it is simple. Stop reading right now and become aware of your thoughts. Are you thinking about what you need to pick up at the store later? Or are you thinking about a friend that you need to call? And probably all those thoughts going on while you are reading an article about controlling your thoughts and calming your mind.

The three words that will calm your mind – PEACE BE STILL!

Recently, I had just bought a trunk full of grocery. I started driving out of the parking place. I heard and felt, thud, thud, thud. I pulled back into the parking space and saw I had a flat tire. Not the end of the world but, an inconvenience, especially with all the grocery. So, I took a deep breath and said, “Peace Be Still.” I instantly felt calm and was able to deal with the situation without frustration or anger.

As a being of power, intelligence, and love…you hold the key to every situation, and contain within yourself that transforming and regenerative agency by which you may make yourself what you will.
-James Allen

We do have the power, intelligence, and love to transform our lives; sometimes it is hidden and needs nurturing to expand. The key is to be patient with ourselves and every day make a little progress in controlling your thoughts. Small steps will in time, produce large results.

Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. Self-control is strength:
right thought is master; calmness is power.
Say to your heart, “Peace, be still!”
-James Allen

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