5 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

Being mindful allows us to be fully present. When we are fully present, we are truly alive. Worrying about the past or being fearful of the future does not exist when we are living in the present. Try one of these 5 ways to practice mindfulness.

The other morning it was so beautiful outside. I went into my back yard and began pulling weeds out of the grass. Before I knew it, an hour had past. You are probably thinking, her grass must be a mess. It is summer in Florida and weeds are plentiful this time of year.

In that hour, I did not think about what else I needed to do, I just pulled weeds and listened to the birds singing. When I came in and washed my hands, I thought to myself, “That was a mindful activity.” I was fully present and grounded in the moment.

Many times when we think of being mindful, we may think we need to meditate or go off in a cave somewhere. I think meditation is great, but, we can do other things and create the same type of being fully present.

‘Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.
-Jon Kabat-Zinn

5 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

1. Walking- Go for a walk without listening to music. If you mind is racing, try to recite a prayer silently. Become fully aware of the smells, sounds, temperature and the sky.
2. In your office – Sit back in your chair. Become aware of how your body feels against the chair. Are there some areas that you feel more tension? Now take some deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. When you breathe in, silently say to yourself, “Breathe in.” When you breathe out say, “Relax.” Try this for about 2 minutes.
3. Coloring – Adult coloring books are best sellers these days. Get a coloring book of mandalas and spend ten minutes mindfully coloring.
4. Journaling – Begin with an open-ended question like, “What am I feeling now?” Then without judgment, start writing for three to five minutes.
5. Weeding – This one I highly recommend.

Start to become aware of the different way you can incorporate mindfulness into your day.

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