Are YOU on a Threshold to a New Beginning?

Are you feeling a little discontent with some part of your life? Our lives are not static. They are constantly changing and evolving. What might have worked for you last year is no longer working. You ma ybe longing for more. Are you on a threshold to a new beginning?

We can break down our lives into four basic areas: love, health, perfect self-expression/career and prosperity.

Love – family, friends, relationship. This also includes self-love.
Health – better health, better eating habits, diet, exercise.
Prosperity – abundance, material wealth.
Perfect self-expression/career – find your calling, not just a job.

Activity to help define where you would like change.

1. If you look at this list above, think or write one descriptive word or emotion that describes how you feel about that area.
2. Next, write a sentence about what you feel.
3. Now, rank your satisfaction in each of the areas. On a scale of 1 – 10. 10 being very satisfied and content.

Does anything stand out to you? Did this exercise help clarify what are of your life you would like to change?

Start today to take action steps to change the area that was revealed by the above exercise. You can start with small steps. When I have done changes in my own life, I feel I wanted to go to New York, but, went through Dallas and Chicago to get there from Florida.

Take your time, but, BEGIN!

Excerpt from “The Little Paris Bookshop” by Nina George

“Do you know that there’s a halfway world between each ending and each new beginning? It’s called the hurting time. It’s a bog: it’s where your dreams and worries and forgotten plans gather. Your steps are heavier during that time. Don’t underestimate the transition between farewell and new departure. Give yourself the time you need. Some thresholds are too wide to be taken in one stride.”

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