Can you believe it is already August? Are you thinking, where has summer gone? On Memorial Day, I wrote a blog titled, “Make This Your Best Summer Ever”. The blog gave steps for an action plan to do some of those items on your bucket list. Well, there is still a whole month of summer left, so, how about some August fun!

I recently was visiting my son and daughter-in-law, they live in the North and they were recanting that summer was going so fast. There was still so much that they wanted to do before the weather turned cold. Probably a lot of us are feeling the same way and with a little planning, you can make the most of this next month.

Is there a friend you wanted to visit? Did you want to have your family over for a backyard barbecue? Maybe there is that book that you wanted to read under the shade of a tree? Or how about just relaxing at a lake or the beach?

Try these steps to get you motivated and organized.

1. Find a quiet place to sit and take some deep breaths.
2. Picture in your mind what summers were like when you were a child. Do you have fond memories of summer camp? Or family vacations? Did you spend the summers outdoors with no schedule?
3. Get out your journal and write a little about those memories.
4. Next write what you can do in August to recreate those fond memories. What would that look like for you?
5. Make a list of a few things you want to do in August and make a commitment to yourself that you will do them. Listen to your heart not the “should dos”.

There is still plenty of summer left. Make the most of the beautiful, long summer days.

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