Books for Inspiration

Reading can help develop a range of social skills and awareness.  Reading helps you develop insights into yourself or insights on the next steps you want to take in your life. I believe in reading all sorts of material.  If you normally read fiction books, try a non-fiction book. Try reading a different newspaper. Even if you do not agree with the viewpoints, you may learn something new or discover something about yourself. Today I will suggest a few books to read for inspiration.

Psychology Today cited a study:  the average home has 2.86 television sets. That is 18% higher than the year 2000 and 43% higher than in 1990. There are more televisions then people per home.  Tonight maybe try to watch a little less TV and pick up a book to read.

Listed below are 4 books that I enjoy:

  1. “The Precious Present” by Spencer Johnson, M.D. – This is a 79 page book that is simple to read, but, has a beautiful, inspiring story. As the cover says, “It is more than a book – it is a profound message that can help you be happy with yourself and your life forever”. This is a book you will want to give as a gift and read many times over.
  2. “Falling into Grace: insights on the end of suffering” by Adyashanti. He asks us to let go of our struggles with life and open to the full promise of spiritual awakening: the end of delusion and the discovery of our essential being. This book provides simple teachings to stop the thoughts that perpetuate our suffering.
  3. “When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times” by Pema Chodron. – This is useful advice about how Buddhism helps the reader cope with realties of modern life – including fear, despair, and rage. Pema approach involves moving toward painful situations with friendliness and curiosity.
  4. “Secrets of Attraction” by Sandra Anne Taylor. The author reveals how the Universal Laws actually direct the course of your relationship destiny. Your energy is the center of all you attract. You will discover what make up your personal energy field and how it impacts your relationships.

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