Dating Tips

 Tip # 18 More Dating Tips

wine horizon

 If you are recently divorced or separated, be patient with yourself and with dating.  Please remember, it is ok to make mistakes.  This is new territory- you have not had a rehearsal for this. You will make dating mistakes: going out with a person not right for you, saying the wrong thing, and wearing the wrong outfit are some examples.  It is also possible that you will be intimate with someone and then sorry you were. You are human; do not be hard on yourself. Be safe, but, realize there will be missteps.

3 More Dating Tips:

  1. Texting.  There are some men that copy and paste the same texts to multiple women. If the texts are general, “What are you doing tonight?” and last minute, be cautious.  Do not text back and see it he sends another text.  If not, sorry, but, someone else answered his text and he has moved on.  Or text back, “I would love to get together sometime, why don’t you call me tomorrow.”
  2. When meeting someone for the first time from an on-line site, keep the date short.  If I am meeting someone for a drink at 5:00 or 6:00, I do not plan to have dinner with them.  After we talk for about an hour, I usually say, “This has been great and I enjoyed meeting you, but, I promised to meet some friends for dinner”.   If you enjoy each other’s company plan to meet again.  Of course, do not be too rigid in dating.  Sometimes, you may meet someone and want to spend the entire evening with them.  In that case, go for it!
  3. Singles in America research found that 60% of people check their phone at least once on a date.  Turn off your phone or put it on silence.  The person you are meeting deserves your full attention and vise versa you deserve their full attention too!

Where is your favorite place to meet on a first date?

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