Discover Your Gold Mine

This is a from I book I am writing on dealing with fears. This is Chapter One, Discover Your Gold Mine.

We carry a gold mine with us all day long. It is at our disposable whenever we want to access it. Would your day have been different if you knew you had a gold mine with you? Our gold mine is our sub-conscious mind. It never sleeps, it does not judge and has no ego. It oversees our organs. It is what keeps us breathing at night. It never sleeps. The sub-conscious mind is our imagination, our intuition. It is what is aligned with God, Infinite Intelligence or the Universe.

Our mind has two spheres: the conscious and sub-conscious mind. The conscious mind is our ego. It is that chatter that we hear in our head all day long. Most of the chatter is negative. It is the sphere of our human mind that sees life as it is. It sees death, disaster, sickness, and limitation. It is that voice in your head that says: “You really think you can be successful? You are not good enough.” The conscious mind rules logic, judgement, and reason.

The conscious mind is the “Gate” to the sub-conscious mind. Whatever your conscious mind chooses to believe and focus on, the sub-conscious mind will accept it and bring it to pass. This is fantastic news because you can choose your thoughts. You can choose thoughts of limitation, fear of failure, fear of poverty, or fear of being alone. Or, you can choose thoughts of love, happiness, or abundance. This is your gold mind because if you learn to control your thoughts, you can change your life. Your mind does not control you.

Have you ever had a problem to think about before you went to sleep at night and in the morning, you knew the answer. This happens to me if I lose something. I will think about it before I go to sleep and in the morning, I know exactly where to find it. This is your sub-conscious mind at work during the night. It is open to a source much greater than ourselves. It is our Infinite Intelligences.

Your sub-consious mind it the book of your life. You have the power to rewrite the blueprint of you mind. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Man is what he thinks about all day long.” This is one of the most important principals to conquering your fears. You can and will learn to expect the best.

The conscious mind is the mind of the body. It remembers all our victories and our failures in this lifetime. It sees restriction. The conscious mind grows old and dislikes change. That is our ego. The sub-conscious mind is the mind of spirit. It sees endless possibilities. It has no limitations because it is aligned with God.

Think of a garden. It is filled with beautiful flowers, but, sometimes weeds grow in your garden. You have the power to water the seeds of peace, harmony, love and health in your garden. Also, the power to pull out any weeds. By learning to control your thoughts, you can reap a harvest and control your fears to move confidently in life. You can pull out the weeds of fear and limitation.

Morning Practice
“By first becoming aware of my thoughts, I can learn to control them.”
What would you like to bring into your life? What flowers would you like to water and grow? Write down three things you would like to bring into your life.

What weeds would you like to pull out of your life? Write down three fears you would like to remove from your life.

During the day, when your thoughts become fearful, try to remember the three “flowers” you would like. Imagine the happy ending or solution to your fears.

Remember, our thoughts become things.

Affirmation – I am not my thoughts.
You are an incredible human being with many talents and excellent qualities. Our ego tries to tell us otherwise. When the ego begins go talk to you today, say today’s affirmation.

Evening Practice
Spend a few minutes relaxing, then, get out your journal. Draw a large circle that will represent your mind. Draw lines from the circle and write some thoughts from your day. What was your mind telling you today? Were the thoughts mainly positive or negative? If there were negative thoughts, write a positive thought next to it. Remember we are beginning to program our sub-conscious mind with thoughts of possibilities.

What could you have done differently today to control your thoughts? Did you remember to use your affirmation?

Do not be hard on yourself, change will take patience and time. First comes awareness and then change.

Pick one positive thought and write it on an index card. Put it next to your pillow. Before you go to sleep tonight, silently say it to yourself.

Expect the best!

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