Find the Blessing

This week, I was finally able to venture out. It has been about four weeks since I broke my foot and had surgery. Other than doctor’s appointments, I have been inside my house. The sky never looked so beautiful and the fresh air felt wonderful. I felt like a child experiencing things for the very first time. Out of every challenge we have, there is always a blessing and a silver lining. Finding the blessing, may not always be apparent at first.

With every challenge in life, whether it is with relationships, career, financial or health, we can make the decision to grow and become stronger and happier through it or we can become bitter, angry and resentful. The choice is up to us. Challenges will come in life. They do not just happen to “those people” over there. They come to you, your family and friends. Try to find the “gift” in the challenge. It could help you become closer to God. It could help you find a spiritual practice that will allow you to soar to new heights. It could slow you down and force you to find your Inner Voice and Inner Strength.

With the four weeks that I was confined to my house, I was forced to slow down. I took up some hobbies that I use to enjoy and found they brought me joy. I read and watched Netflix. I had one dear friend come over every week and bring lunch. We spent time just talking and visiting. My sister and her husband fixed me dinner every night and did all the countless things I was unable to do.

The kindness I received was incredible and there was a blessing in that. It helped the healing process. When I did go out, the kindness from strangers was amazing. Strangers that I may ordinally just passed by, now smiled at me and my crutches. People wished me well, opened doors for me and gave encouraging words about healing. It was a blessing to feel so much love.

The next time you face a difficulty, try to find the blessing. We are not always dealt a perfect hand, but, we do have a choice on how we deal with it. Find the strength and grow from every challenge.

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