Ghosting in Dating

Another new term I learned about dating: ghosting.  This is so not ok and so disrespectful.  If you are dating, it has probably happened to you, but, you may not be familiar with the term. With texting, the Internet, and on-line dating, ghosting has become more prevalent, even though it is easier to communicate without a face to face confrontation. So, what is ghosting?  Well, you have been seeing someone for a while and then without any warning, you never hear from them again.  They have dropped off the face of the earth.  They just “ghosted” away from you. So here is how you can deal with ghosting in dating.

This happened to me last summer.  I had been dating someone for about 5 weeks. We lived in different cities and had plans to get together in the fall.  We exchanged emails in the early fall and that was it. I was ghosted without warning. Of course, I did what I will recommend you not do, I kept going over our last date and what I said or did wrong.  Online dating makes ghosting easier because they can just go on to the next one.  Sometimes I wish for the good old days when I took woodworking classes to meet men. By the way, I did not meet anyone to date in woodworking class, but, I made a beautiful cutting board and checker board.

What to do if you have been ghosted:

  1. Know that this is not cool. You are owed a better level of respect.
  2. Keep your dignity. Maybe text once to see if they are ok and that is it. If they do not respond, move on.
  3. Realize that you are not the problem. It was nothing that you said or did. As difficult as it may be to admit, he is a jerk and a coward. You deserve more.
  4. Be thankful that the relationship did not go further. This type of person is afraid of confrontation and it not relationship material
  5. If he does reappear, you need a sincere apology.

Have you ever been ghosted?  How did you handle it?

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10 years ago

Yes! I didn’t know there was a specific term for this behavior. I’ve learned through the years to not take other peoples behavior personally. So, I phoned and when I didn’t receive a response, I wrote an email wishing him well. Such rude and immature behavior! And not someone I want in my life.

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