How to Heal Your Inner Child

When we are young, we are filled with innocence, curiosity, and playfulness. We were open-minded and filled with wonder as the year’s progress; these factors diminish. There are many different reasons why we lose these qualities. However, by doing the following exercises, you can get quick and powerful results.  We still have the innocence within us; we need to uncover and recover our inner child.

These exercises will improve your:




  1. Imagine you are peering in the window of your childhood home and see your five-year-old self. What are you doing? What are you feeling? Who is there with you? What do you hear? Get in touch and connect with your five-year-old self.
  2. Do a full-body scan start with your head and continue to your toes. As you mentally go through the scan, send love to all your body parts. Especially any that may hold tension or that you may feel is not perfect. If anyone has criticized any part of your body, pay special attention there, and provide extra love.
  3. Get out some markers, colored pencils, or paint and paint a picture of yourself that reflects you today and your childhood self.
  4. Write down the following:
    1. Five of your favorite childhood foods.
    2. Five of your favorite games you played as a child.
    3. Five of your favorite toys.
    4. Five of your favorite movies you watched as a child.
      1. Please pick one from each of the categories and enjoy it today. If one of your favorite foods was peanut butter and jelly, enjoy one today.

5. Close your eyes and picture your five-year-old self standing in front of you. Smile at your younger self and say the following. “I love you. You are safe. I am here for you. You are perfect and special just as you are.” Add anything else you would like your younger self to hear. Repeat often.

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