Manifesting Ritual for the New Year

Happy New Year! Happy New You! Wishing you a New Year filled with love, abundance, happiness, and magic.

What do you want to bring into the new year and what do you want to leave behind? This is a question that you may want to spend some time thinking about this holiday. Try the following four steps to clarify your intentions and to feel gratitude for 2019 and to shout out to the Universe what you want to manifest in 2020.

1. Today, get out your journal and spend some time reviewing 2019. Sit in a quiet spot and reflect on the past year without judgment. Try answering some of these questions;
a. What was the most significant thing that happened in your life in 2019?
b. List one joy and one sorrow that you experienced this year.
c. What is the greatest thing you learned this year?
d. What are you most thankful for this year?

2. Next, list what you want to leave behind in 2019. What is getting in the way of living the life you want? If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
• Write down on a small piece of paper what you would like to leave behind. It could be a situation, a bad habit, or a person. Burn the paper (carefully) and toss the ashes in the wind.

3. Light a candle and say a prayer of gratitude for 2019. Allow a feeling of gratitude to permeate your whole being. Now, leave 2019 behind, except for the lessons you learned. Release the past and trust that your soul in on a perfect journey. Trust the journey.

4. Make a list of what you would like to manifest in 2020. Be very clear about your intentions. Write them in a positive form and believe the Universe will help you. God wants us to live happy, abundant lives. Commit to yourself that this year you will listen to your inner guidance and follow it. At the top of your list, write, “This or something better will manifest in 2020!” Say that out loud and believe it in your soul. Whenever doubt or fear sets in, go back to your intentions.
• Also, make a list of what you would like to nurture in your life. Is there a hobby you want to spend time doing? How about following your intuition more? How about trying to be more compassionate towards others?
• When your list is complete, you can write it in your journal and decorate the page with stickers, ribbons, drawings, and fun colors.

Thank you for allowing me into your lives. I wish you much peace and happiness in the New Year! Commit to making it your best.

Affirmation for the New Year

“My God is a God of plenty, and I now receive all that I desire or require and more.”

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