On May 18 there is a new moon. New moons are times for new beginnings and fresh starts. New moons are turning points and a great time for manifestations. A new moon ritual helps you set your intentions for the next six months. Many different cultures and people have followed rituals for centuries. Think of the many rituals you have in your life today. Do you follow rituals at your place of worship, for birthday celebrations or for weddings?

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Rituals should fun, simple and authentic. Follow the steps below to perform your own new moon ritual.

1. Gather the following supplies: a candle, a stick of incense, matches, paper, pen, a journal, and soothing music. You can also collect any stones or crystals that have meaning for you.
2. Find a place in your home that you feel is sacred or that you feel peaceful.
3. Light a candle, light the incense and put on some soothing music.
4. Sit down and take a few deep breaths. Breathe beautiful white light into your heart area.
5. Say a prayer for inner guidance and clarity.
6. When you feel you are present and your mind is clear. Write down on the paper what you would like to bring into your life. What would you like to “grow”? To manifest? Try to make sure your intentions are truly what you believe you can attract, but, dream big.
7. When you are finished writing, at the bottom of your paper write, “And it is so.”  Sign your name and put the date.
8. Take a moment to say a prayer.
9. Write any thoughts or inspirations you have in your journal.
10. Take the paper and either burn it and blow the ashes in the wind outdoors or bury it in the garden to allow your intentions to “grow”.

Be flexible with the way the Universe will manifest your intentions.

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