PEACE Practice for Mindfulness

The present moment is tolerable. Living in the past or worrying about the future creates stress in our lives. We cannot change the past, nor can we control everything that happens in the future. Mindfulness, being present in the moment, is a practice. It is a practice that can help you deal with stressful situations. Try this PEACE practice for mindfulness.

Begin practicing mindfulness for the small difficulties you face every day, so, when larger situations arise, the loss of a job, a death in your family, or a major move, the practice will be automatic.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness, and you may try several ways until you find one that you like. This week try the PEACE practice for small irritations that come into your life.

P – P is for pause. Just stop and become aware of your surroundings. Take note of how you are standing or sitting. This will help you get in the present moment.

E – E is for exhaling. Take a deep breath in, count to three and then exhale. It might help to stand up and put your hand on your stomach to ensure you are taking deep breaths.

A – A is for acknowledging. Do not try to suppress or ignore your feelings. Take a few minutes to become aware of what you are feeling. Are you angry, frightened, jealous, or heartbroken? Scan your body and get a sense of where your body is holding onto those feelings.

C – C is for choice. When you are ready, you have a choice how you respond or react. You are in control of your mind and thoughts. Our thoughts become things. Choose your thoughts wisely. Try positive statements that begin with I am. I can handle this. I am enough.

E – E is for engaging. After you have paused, exhaled, allowed and chosen your response, you are ready to engage with people and life.

This week try the PEACE practice. Let me know if it helped you.

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