Spring: A Time for Renewal

We have also entered into a new season: spring. Spring is a time of re-birth and a time of renewal. What seeds would you like to plant? What would you like to see grow in your Life? When my boys were growing up we often went out west during their spring break. My younger son would comment that “People think spring is about bunnies and flowers and it really is about mud and dirty snow.” There is some truth in that, but, I would like you to think of spring as a time to plant new seeds: a time of renewal.

How about doing some spring cleaning in your own life?

Clean your space. – Pick one area in your home to clean out. Your closet might be just the perfect place to start. Clear out those winter clothes that you never wore this past season. Evaluate your spring clothes. Are there any that you no longer care for or that no longer fit? Clear them out.

Open your windows – Let some fresh air in your house. Fresh air is fresh energy. Breathe in the spring air.

Sage – Consider saging your house or lighting candles to welcome this new season.

Your mind – spring is a time to plant new seeds. Spend some time in silence with your journal. What new intention would you like to begin? What would you like to bring into your life? What would you like to grow in your life? Now, create action steps to bring these intentions into your life. These could be long range goals or short range goals. By creating action steps, you are telling the Universe that you are reaching out with your intentions.

Start today and who knows what beautiful flowers will come into your life.

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