Spring Equinox with Full Moon Rituals

Happy Spring Equinox! Today is a Super Full Moon and a fantastic time to use this powerful energy. Our bodies are primarily made of water, so, it is natural that we would be influenced by the moon, just like the ocean’s tides. Take the time today to perform a Full Moon Ritual.

Take the time to release any burdens and to plant the seeds for new beginnings this spring. Spring is a time of renewal and healing. Animals and birds are shedding their coats of fur and feathers. What could you shed?

What could you shed?

What part of your life would you like to change? Examine your life and see if there is something that needs to be cleansed or removed before you can move forward. Is there a habit you would like to get rid of? Is there someone you need to forgive? Or is that “fear” chatter consistently in your head?

The next step is to take some action steps toward the life you want and deserve. Some ideas would be: take a class, start networking, volunteer, research on the Internet, or join a meetup group. This action step is essential. It is you telling the Universe that you are ready for a change. Stay focused and do not give up. If you have to take baby steps, that is alright.

Keep the faith and beautiful things will manifest.

Keep the faith, and beautiful things will manifest. Doors will open up. But, remember change may not be in your timeframe. It is in God’s timeline. Find a way to keep the faith. If one method does not work, try another.

Ideas for Full Moon Rituals
1. Sage your home.
2. Spend some time outdoors absorbing the full moon energy.
3. Make moon water. Place a glass of water with crystals in it overnight under the full moon. Pour this water over your head or drink it for the energetic benefits.
4. Place your crystals under the full moon to cleanse them.
5. Light a candle and write down what you would like to manifest.
6. Meditate.
7. Plant some seeds in the ground or a pot. Celebrate spring! As you plant the seeds, reflect on your intentions and desires. Ask God to help your ambitions to grow. This will help you have faith, that, blossoms, just like our desires, take time to germinate.

“The real key to life: if you change your mind your conditions must change too.

”-Emmet Fox

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