Spring is a Time of Renewal

There is so much written to “stay fully present.” That is a simple concept but usually difficult to adhere to day in and day out. However, there is only now. We can choose to worry about the future and those worries may never come to fruition. We can carry the past with us and part of that past might be bitterness, forgiveness, and hurt. Spring is a time of renewal and a fantastic time to shed and cut the emotional baggage from your past.

If we look at nature; birds and animals shed their fur and feathers in the spring. They are casting off the old and receiving the new. Native Americans called March the “weak month” because of the inactivity in animal and man, which always prevails when this power is recuperating, and renewing. It is perfect time of year for us to release what we would like to shed from the past. By releasing the past, we can live more fully in the present. We can be unburdened.

Carrying past unfinished business is a drain on our emotional and physical being. It can be likened to carrying credit card debt. The ever-increasing interest rate goes on and on. Why continue to carry that weight forward? Be free of past hurts and then you can renew the possibilities of your life in the present. Your energy is free and you are healed.

What debt are you carrying? Whom do you need to forgive? It could be yourself that you need to forgive. Let’s cut that debt and feel free. Peace and freedom are the doorway to happiness. Practice the Law of Forgiveness and give up the need to punish the people who hurt you. Unless you are willing to forgive, how can you be forgiven?

Pray for guidance and help. Say silently to the person that you need to release or forgive,

“I send to you the fullness of the Divine Love of my Being to bless and prosper you.”

Happy Spring! Wishing you peace, love and light.

If you need help releasing the past, try coaching with Gloria. Click the link for information.

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