Green Light to Manifest
Our thoughts manifest into physical form, that is the basic principle of the Law of Attraction. If any doubt appears, it needs to be released immediately. I can assure you that doubt will arise. We have many, many years of…
Our thoughts manifest into physical form, that is the basic principle of the Law of Attraction. If any doubt appears, it needs to be released immediately. I can assure you that doubt will arise. We have many, many years of…
Work through any frustrations with manifesting in five areas. You will learn tools to get you through each one. If you feel you are doing all the right things and getting nowhere, this video will get you past that. The…
MANIFEST MORE BEAUTY LAW OF ATTRACTION Learn how your thoughts and your state of mind can affect your looks. The video gives powerful techniques to raise your vibration and embrace your uniqueness. A mirror technique will align your soul and…
Powerful visualization and prosperity affirmations to reset your wealth mindset. Think of money as energy and you can change your energy and beliefs about abundance. This guided visualization will help you release any fears of lack that can stop the…
HOW TO CONNECT WITH ANGELS, SPIRIT GUIDES, AND YOUR HIGHEST SELF Light Beings, angels and spirit guides are always with you. They can see your dreams and desires from a higher perspective and if you ask, they can provide guidance.…
Due to Hurricane Dorian, my September Favorite Things is a little late. Fortunately, my family and I had no damage from the hurricane. We truly feel very blessed and send prayers to all the families, countries, and states that were…
MANIFEST LOVE CHANGE YOUR ENERGY Your critical view of yourself my be sabotaging you manifesting for love. Negative thoughts can block your positive loving energy. Learn to become aware of your self-criticism with a simple exercise. Then change it around.…
REMOVE MANIFESTING BLOCKS TECHNIQUES You will attract what you focus on. Expect what you want. If you somedays have difficulty with this, try these five techniques to remove blockages. What do you want? A relationship? A job? More money? It…
SECRETS TO ATTRACT A SOULMATE Like attracts like, so, this video gives techniques to broadcast and amplify your energy field. There are three steps: Your Energy, Your Intentions, and Intending to Love. For each step, you will learn simple techniques…
RECONNECT WITH SOURCE ENERGY If you are frustrated with the Law of Attraction or you may feel your intuition is off, you need to reconnect with Source. This contact reestablishes the threads of light between our heart and Source. Manifesting…