The subconscious mind is your gold mine. It does what we tell it to do. There are not two minds. There are merely two spheres of activity within one mind: the conscious and sub-conscious mind.
The conscious mind is our thoughts and our ego. It is the human mind that sees life as it is. It sees death, disaster, sickness, poverty and limitation. It impresses the sub-conscious and is called the “Watchman of the Gate” of the sub-conscious mind. With it we choose what we want to think. What we want to be. What we want to do and what we want to have. The conscious mind rules logic, judgement, and reason. Whatever your conscious mind chooses to believe, your sub-conscious mind will accept it and bring it to pass. The great part is that we can choose our thoughts. For example, instead of saying, “I can’t” say “I can” and that will come to pass.
Our sub-conscious mind takes orders from the conscious mind. It does not judge and has no ego, it just carries out the orders in amazing detail: both positive and negative. It never sleeps. It is in charge of our organs and our breathing. It is our imagination and intuition. It is what connects us to Infinite Intelligence. For example, if you say, “I cannot get that job,” You wish will be granted. Once it accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. Have you ever had a problem that you thought about before going to sleep and then you woke up and knew the answer. The answer came from your sub-conscious mind, it never sleeps. Your sub-conscious mind is your gold mine!!!
I like to use the analogy of a garden. We can plant seeds in the sub-conscious mind of peace, harmony, health, abundance and good will. They will grow. Positive statements are like water and fertilizer, so, you can reap your harvest and move confidently in life. Negative thoughts and statements are like weeds in your garden, get rid of them, pull them out!
You can control your thoughts and your mind. Your mind does not control you.