Three Powerful Words

An all-time favorite book of mine is “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen. It was written in 1904 and is about 88 pages. I first read it in the 1970’s and continue to reread its timeless message year after year. He suggests three powerful words to help us control our thoughts.

As a being of power, intelligence, and love…you hold the key to every situation, and contain within yourself that transforming and regenerative agency by which you may make yourself what you will.
-James Allen

We do and can control our mind. Life is challenging, when we are going though transitions and changes it can be more difficult to control our thoughts and our minds. But, that is also the time for the most growth. Positive thoughts produce positive results. The key is to be vigilant about your thoughts because improved results may take time.

When the non-profit company that I worked for recently eliminated my position, it was time to reread this wonderful book. Here I was without work and no other means of support. I was given very little notice. It was and is a stressful time. However by controlling my thoughts and by remaining positive about my future, I am dealing with the stress. As James Allen suggests, when things get tuff, I say to myself, “Peace, be still!” and I know everything will work out. I do believe in Divine Order.

We do have the power, intelligence, and love to transform our lives; sometimes it is hidden and needs nurturing to expand. The key is to be patient with ourselves and every day make a little progress in controlling your thoughts. Small steps will in time, produce large results.

As James Allen says-
Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. Self-control is strength: right thought is master; calmness is power.
Say to your heart, “Peace, be still!”

Remember those words to control your thoughts

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