Great Tips for Hot Flashes

# 3 Great Tips for Hot Flashessunset-13444_150

Of course, my new dating life coincided with menopause and the dreaded hot flashes.  The timing was not good. Living in Florida, the heat fueled the fire, so to speak. Besides the temperature, being in an uncomfortable situation, like going on first dates, also brought them on with a vengeance. Inevitably while getting ready for a date, make-up perfect, boom, a hot flash would come on and literally melt my make-up off my face. air-2260_150

So, here is my tip: I purchased a small fan for about $13 and set it right on my vanity. When the unwelcome hot flash would begin, I would put my face right in front on the fan and my make-up stayed intact.

Hot flashes also came on strong within the first few minutes of a date and I sitting down to dinner. Sweat dripping down my face is not romantic.

So, here is my tip: I purchased hand-held folding fans! I would whip it out of my purse and fan myself.  The folding fan originated in Japan in the 6th – 8th century.  Something that has been around that long has got to work. When I am in New York, I go to China Town to buy them in all colors and sizes, that way there is always a back up. They are not expensive and are easy to carry in your purse.  You can match the colors to the outfit you are wearing, just like a piece of jewelry.

hand-166503_640The important point to remember is that the intensity and frequency of the hot flashes will decrease with time.  Also with time, you will learn to accept it as part of life and laugh it off if they come at an inconvenient time.

Do you have any tips to share of what worked for you? Let us know.

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