What are You Passionate About?

“We may affirm absolutely that nothing great in the world
has been accomplished without passion.”
-Georg Hegel

Passion is an intense emotion compelling, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. When going through my divorce and other difficult transitions, I realized I was not passionate about anything. In order to survive emotionally, there was a time I did not allow myself to feel any strong emotion, whether passion or anger. How boring is that? We need to find our passion in life and incorporate it as part of our weekly routine. We are here to enjoy and thrive in our incredible life. What are you passionate about?

We will begin by reflecting on the following questions and then we will discuss ways to begin putting that passion into your life!

Reflect on these questions, take your time. It may take a few weeks before you can answer them. Perhaps write your answers in your journal.

1. What activity would you engage in even if you never made money doing it?
2. When you dream, what do you dream about?
3. What do you like to read about?
4. What are you good at?
5. What sparks your creativity?
6. What are 5 past life experiences that left you with a sense of fulfillment?
7. What was the best time you ever had?
8. What is your favorite part about life?
9. What activities make you feel like your heart is about to burst?
10. If you could do anything today, what would it be?

Now, write down 3 goals to drive more passion into your life. Under each goal write 5 “actions” you can take to get your closer to your goals. Next to each “action” put a time frame. Is it one week, one month or five years from now. There is not right or wrong answer. Listen to your heart for guidance.

How are you going to bring more passion into your life?

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