4 Ways to Initiate Change into Your Life

The holidays can be a very emotional time of year. As the year is nearing an end, you may be reflecting on this past year and possibly be disappointed in how the year went. You may be stressed from too many holiday parties and family visits or you may be stressed because you are alone or facing a life-threatening condition. You can initiate change into your life and you can control how you react to your life, one step at a time. Try these 4 ways to initiate change into your life.

My son recently had lunch with an actor who is currently the lead in a Broadway musical. He asked him, “How do you do the same part over and over and keep it fresh?” The actor said that every week, he picked one aspect of his performance to work on. One week it may his singing or his dancing, or doing his lines with a different motivation. That was how he kept his performance relevant every time he played that role.

This is not unlike our lives. Many times, we try to tackle all our issues, our problems or the changes we want at once. It is much better to pick one area for change, especially if we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

1. Pick one area of your life that you would like to change. Usually, it is one of four areas: prosperity, career/work, health, or relationships. This is especially important during this very stressful time of year. By taking control of one area, you will feel more in control of your entire life.
2. Spend some time writing down what you would like to change in that area. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, if you would like more prosperity, what specifically can you do to attract more into your life? Could it be to get a better paying job, get a second job, or stick to a budget better? If you are not sure, spend some time in silence getting in touch with your Inner Self. Practice this until you find an answer. And remember, we are taking one step at a time in one area.
3. When you have decided what you want, write it down where you can see it every day. Visualize it, think about it and pray about it. Know that the Universe is there to bring you your dreams and desires. Have faith.
4. Practice gratitude for what you already have. Thank God every day for the many gifts you already have in your life.

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