Learn to Let Go of Irritation

Our thoughts carry tremendous energy. Usually, when we are irritated, angry, or upset, our thoughts are charged with super power. However, this is not the super power that we want or that we need. The more we concentrate on what is bothering us, the more control we give to those thoughts that do us no good. You can learn to let go of irritation; it takes letting go of the pull the thoughts have on your consciousness.

When my boys were young, I would read them a book called, “When You Give a Moose a Muffin.” In the story, the moose would get a muffin, but, then he would want something else, and this went on and on. The moose was never satisfied with the muffin or anything else. It is similar to our thoughts and our minds. If we let the pull of energy control us, we can never be satisfied.

For example, you may be shopping and see a beautiful dress that you would like to buy, but, cannot afford. You leave the store, and you are still thinking about the dress. Then you begin to think about your job that you don’t like and that you would like to have a job with a better salary. Then you begin to think that you do not like the area that you live, and maybe you should just move and get a new job. It goes on and on, and you become more and more irritated.

So, how to let the irritation go? The minute you begin to feel the pull of energy from the irritation. Relax, take a deep breath and let it go. You can let yourself be bothered by this, or you can be in freedom and let it go. Of course, you may still want the dress, but, it does not have to ruin your day or your mood. Relax, release and let go. Try to relax your shoulders and the area around your heart.

Relax, Release, Let Go

Next time you are at a light, and someone honks at you, try this technique. Relax, release and let go. Be willing to let the irritation go. It is your choice.

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