Spring is a time of renewal and regrowth. A time to clean up your space to make way for new things into your life. Clear up the clutter in that closet. There is a wonderful new book out by Marie Kondo, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. Marie give some great advice for spring cleaning your closet.
This past week, I walked into my closet and looked around. It looked crowded and unorganized. There was just too much stuff in it. The energy felt old. There were so many clothes that I kept, “just in case”. Just in case I lose 10 pounds. Just in case I go on a cruise and need cruise wear from 10 years ago. Just in case the temperature in Florida drops below 32 degrees. Then there are all those sentimental clothes. The one that my deceased Mother or Grandmother bought me. Or how about the clothes that you paid a lot of money for, but, never wore.
Well, I decided it was time to move past all that and keep only what I wanted and only what I wear. I was on a weekend silent retreat with Merton scholar, James Finely, a few years ago. The retreat ended on Sunday at 11:00 am. I was going straight from the retreat center to my Mom’s home. She had recently died and I needed to begin the arduous task of clearing out her belongings. James gave me great advice. He told me to talk to my Mom through the process. Tell her, “You have moved on and now I must too and we do not need these items anymore”. It made a very difficult task easier.
Marie Kondo in her book says to look at the items in your closet and ask yourself, “Does it spark joy? Talk to your items in a similar way I did while cleaning out my Mom’s belongings. Do not keep items of guilt or items you feel you “should” keep. She suggests keeping only things that speak to you and take the plunge to discard the rest. Marie also suggests thanking the clothes for their service.
Are you ready to take the plunge and purge your closet? Why not join me! Celebrate spring.