Affirmations for Happiness

Create Powerful Affirmations

“When you believe yourself to be master of your thoughts, you become so.”

-Emile Coue´


Affirmations are statements that help us practice positive thinking.  Your mind cannot have two thoughts at the same time.  You may have thoughts that follow one another but there is only one thought at a time. Affirmations help us replace any negative or undesirable thoughts with a thought that will empower us.  Affirmations can help us become strong, happy and whole. There are all types of affirmations: for love, prosperity, good health, happiness, self-love, the list can go on and on. I am a very strong believer in affirmations.  I write down affirmations and keep them on index cards or sticky notes.  I put them on my bathroom mirror, my desk, my kitchen, or where ever I spend time.  They change as I change or as my life changes.

An interesting point about affirmations is that they have been used for a long time. In 1922, Emile Coue´ published a book titled, “Self Mastery through Conscious Autosuggestion”. He was a French psychologist who developed a method for attaining health, success, and happiness through the use of autosuggestion. He did 20 years of scientific research and experiments with thousands of people to develop his method.

This is the Emile Coue´ method:

1. Sit in a relaxed position with eyes closed.

2. Repeat in a monotonous tone, the magic words:


3. Repeat these magic words 20 times in the morning and 20 times in the evening.

4. Do not think about your illness or your troubles while repeating these words.

5. Your desire must have absolute faith and confidence.

 That is it!  This is simple to do.  You do not need any special props or need to be in any particular place. What you do need is confidence in yourself and to believe firmly that all will be well.

Try it for a month.  See if there are some positive changes in your life.


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10 years ago

A wonderful BLOG on affirmations. This is a wonderful, simple way to focus the mind on such a positive thought. Thank you.

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