Create a Morning Ritual

I have my morning ritual; it is a time that I cherish. I believe this time helps me stay centered and calm throughout the day. Most mornings, I get up early, while it is still dark and the world is quiet. I make myself a cup of tea and retreat to my “meditation chair.” It is an oversized, comfortable chair with a large basket of inspirational books next to it. This hour that I spend every morning, is a gift to myself. Most days there are no startling insights: just time to pray, go deep into my soul, and be in God’s presence. This week try to give yourself a gift of silence each morning and create a morning ritual.
My morning ritual consists of meditation, journaling, inspirational reading and sitting in silence. I begin reading and praying while enjoying my tea. Next, I meditate for about 20 minutes. This is followed by journaling and repeating affirmations. Some days, I do not have the luxury of an hour and that is alright. This morning ritual has helped me transform my life from fear based to love based.
Some morning ritual will help you deal with whatever the day brings your way. You are starting the day in a calm, peaceful manner and that will help you remain that way throughout your day. If you carve out even five minutes to read some Bible passages, you will feel a difference and set the tone for your day.
Create Your Morning Ritual
1. Pick out a spot in your home that you can remain undisturbed. It is preferable to have a chair to sit on.
2. Inspirational Reading – Pick out several books to keep by your side. I like to have a variety depending on what my mood is. Currently, I am reading the “I AM Discourses” and “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy. I also have a book of daily inspirational messages that I read right before my meditation. My old standby is “Around the Year with Emmet Fox.” I usually read for about 20 minutes while sipping my tea.
3. Meditation – If you do not have a meditation practice, a breathing meditation may be the way to start. Sit silently and concentrate on your breath going in and out of your body. When thoughts come, just let them go. Do not engage the thoughts. Just breathe. I set a timer for 20 minutes.
4. Journaling – Buy a special journal that you will use just for this purpose. After meditation, I open my journal and begin to write. I let the pen just flow.
5. Silence and Reflection – Before leaving my chair, I spend a few minutes in quiet reflection and praying and will recite the affirmations that I am currently using.
These are just my suggestions, be flexible and create your morning ritual.
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