Toxic relationships can poison your life.  Would you put toxic chemicals in your body? More than likely, you try to avoid them.  Toxic relationships drain your time, your energy, and your self-esteem.  You know when you are in this type of relationship. You may feel tired, mistreated, and give more than you receive.  These relationships can be with a lover, a friend, a family member or an ex-husband.  Make 2015 the year you begin to recognize and cut those toxic ties.

Recently, I cut a toxic tie with a friend. He continually disappointed me and I allowed it. It took one last huge disappointment and I said enough! I would no longer tolerate this type of treatment.  I kept hoping for a change that may never occur and the only one suffering was me. Once I made that decision and performed my burn ritual, I felt more in control of my life.

What you tolerate will happen again and again.  It is like watching a movie or reading a book and hoping for a different ending.  That is not going to happen. Releasing this type of relationship requires courage. It is not your fault that you are in a relationship of this type. But, you can do something about it because there is a huge cost.

  1. If you are stuck in a toxic relationship ask yourself who or what are you stuck to?
  2. If it is a romantic relationship, do you believe that you do not deserve real love?
  3. Set healthy boundaries and do not feel guilty about it. Or you may have to avoid contact all together.
  4. Ask yourself, what difference would it make in your life if this energy drainer was out of your life?

Have the courage to release.  Do not tolerate mistreatment.







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10 years ago

This is good stuff! Sage advice, beautifully delivered

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