Fun Ideas for Valentines Day

Often when we think of Valentine’s Day we think of love, romance, and roses. I remember my first memorable Valentine’s Day after my divorce. My date took me to a special dinner, dancing, and bought me romantic gifts. I use to dread the day because more often than not I spent it alone. Now if I have a date that is great, but, if not, I still make it a wonderful day. Today I challenge you to do something special and loving for yourself. The more you can truly love yourself, the more you can love others and receive the love they have to give. With our busy schedules, it is easy to put ourselves last. Today change that and try one of my fun ideas for Valentines Day.

In his book “Falling into Grace”, Adyashanti says:

“As I often tell my students, the person you’ll have the hardest time opening to and truly loving without reserve is yourself. Once you can do that, you can love the whole universe unconditionally. But is all starts with you.”

1. Take a “love” bath. This bath is fabulous to relax you and increase your energy flow to help attract that special someone. Place rose scented candles around your bath room. Fill the tub and add 10 drops of rose oil. You can also put roses around the bathroom and some petals in the water. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine your heart area encased in a shimmering pink light. Gradually that pink light surrounds your entire body. Now spend some time imaging the relationship you would like to manifest. What qualities does he have? Make a mental list. Feel that you and he have already connected. When you are finished, say a prayer of gratitude to the Universe and have faith.
2. Spend some time journaling about the best Valentine’s Day you ever had. Write out the details. Feel the emotions you felt on that special day. What were you wearing? What made it so special? Did you go to dinner, if so, what did you eat? What was the weather like? What was your date wearing? What made it so special?
3. If you want to attract a relationship, spend time writing an affirmation 10 times. Use red ink. Some suggestions: “I am a magnet of love, attracting my dreams and desires to me now”. “I am a loving person and I will receive the love I want”. “I am a valuable partner and I am attracting love”.

Happy Valentine’s Day! What did you do for yourself today?

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