Listening to Your Inner Rhythms



Every Sunday the Single, Happy, and Strong Blog will have an exercise for you to do.  This is a wonderful way to start a new week; to reflect, grow, and begin a shift in your life.  This week for Sensational Sunday we will discuss how to listen to your inner rhythms.

“Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart.”

-Ancient Indian Proverb

Do you know what captures your heart?  We get so caught up in our day to day routines, that it is easy to ignore or forget what captures our heart.  To hear our inner voice, our inner guidance we must have peace and trust in ourselves.  This week’s exercise will help you find your inner rhythms.  This is a wonderful way to ground ourselves.

The Exercise

Go an entire day without a watch or without looking at a clock.

Spend the entire day listening to your “inner rhythms”.   Eat when you are hungry. Sleep if you are tired. Reset your body and your routine.

Try to incorporate the following into this day:

  1. Light a candle and sit in silence.
  2. Read something inspirational.
  3. Go for a walk.

By being in touch with our innermost self we create happiness in our lives and in our relationships with others.

Journal at the end of this day.

Some questions to ask yourself.

  1. What did this day look like for you?
  2. What inspires you?
  3. What empowers you?
  4. What motivates you?
  5. What drives you?
  6. What makes you smile?
  7. What can you not live without?
  8. What incorrect beliefs do you have?
  9. What did you learn from this?
  10. What is the positive in this experience?

Did you find your inner rhythm?





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