New Year’s Eve Rituals

Tonight we ring in the year 2015. I have a ritual that I like to do on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.  I wrote about it in my blog on 12/28/14. Black eye peas for good luck are usually served at my house on New Year’s Day along with watching plenty of football games.  It is interesting to read about what people around the world do for New Year’s Eve rituals.  Maybe this year, you want to incorporate one of these in the day?

I do not make New Year’s resolutions, but, I do reflect on the past year.  There is nothing I change about it, however, there may be something I could learn. Maybe I had to face some fears, so I would ask myself, “What did that situation teach me?”  And then let it go!!! Tomorrow is an exciting day, January 1, 2015. Think of it as a clean slate or as a new beginning. What is it you want to do in 2015 to make it the best year ever?  You can do it.  You are unlimited in your ability to create the incredible life you want.  Have courage and follow those dreams.  Maybe try one of these rituals, it could not hurt.

Spain – They eat 12 grapes at midnight. Each grape signifies good luck for each month of the coming year.

Japan – Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times.

Ireland – Women who hope to find a husband in the coming year, place mistletoe under their pillows.

Italy – The men and women wear red underwear to bring good luck.

English – The open the back door at midnight to let go of the old year.

Philippines – They believe round shapes represent coins and prosperity. So, a bowl of round fruit is placed on the dinner table.

These are other rituals:

  1. 1. Eat black eye peas on New Year’s Day for good luck and prosperity in the New Year.
  2. At midnight, have money in your pocket for prosperity in the New Year.
  3. Bless your home on New Year’s Day with sage or holy water.
  4. Pay careful attention to the first person to set foot in your house on New Year’s Day.

Do you have a New Year’s Eve ritual to share?



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