Open Your Heart for Love

Divorce, painful relationships, and childhood based hurts can all allow us to close our hearts for love. If you are looking for love, it is important that your heart remain open to both give and receive love. Our heart chakra is in the middle of our chest. It is associated with the color green. This exercise will help you open your heart for love.

Change your energy and open your heart with this exercise from “The Eight Human Talents” by Gurmukh.

Sit cross legged on the floor. You may sit on a cushion, if it is more comfortable. If you cannot sit cross legged, sit straight on a chair. Stretch your arms straight out in front of you. Your elbows are straight, your palms are together and your arms are parallel to the floor. Inhale through you nose. As you inhale, open your arms widely to the side. Think of opening your chest and bringing your shoulder blades closer together. Exhale through your nose and bring your arms back to the original position.

As you bring your arms to the side on the inhale, place an awareness in your heart area. This awareness may have a beautiful, bright color associated with it. Maybe a beautiful pink color for love and romance. You may picture this color expanding out into the Universe.

As you open your arms repeat silently, “I open myself to give and receive love”. Slowly repeat this exercise 26 times.

How did you feel after doing this? You may want to journal your feelings in a notebook. When you are feeling unloved or alone, try repeating it. The best way to be ready for love it to love yourself first. Usually, that is the hardest thing for us to do. But, if you are aware and make an effort you can love yourself and spread love to others too.

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