Shedding Weight

With summer here, shedding weight may be on our minds. Especially if you are planning on putting on that dreaded bathing suit. But, we also carry around excess emotional weight and this can create a heaviness around our bodies. Our bodies are made up of energy and negative emotions can affect us at the cellular level. What are we carrying around? Usually, it is regrets of the past or fear of the future.

There are theories that we literally put on weight in order to “isolate” ourselves from feelings and emotions. Our cells live in the present. If we can learn to live in the moment, all regrets and fears would vanish. It sounds so simple and it is simple in theory. The difficulty lies in changing our old habits.

The great news is that you CAN change your old habits. We are writing our own book about our life and we can change it. By changing our thoughts and having trust in God, we can modify the story. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Man is what he thinks all day long.”

We cannot change the past however much we may like to and we cannot predict the future. However, we can have faith in God and know that whatever comes our way, we can deal with it. This faith can help us shed our excess weight and emotional baggage that we carry around.

When we begin to heal and ease our burdens, we will have more energy and experience the peace, joy, and love of the present moment. Deepak Chopra said, “The present moment is your magnet and you are the compass.”

Tools to Live in the Present Moment
1. Pray – Spend at least a few minutes daily in silent prayer.
2. Breathe- When you are living in the past or the future, stop and take a few deeps breaths to center yourself.
3. Affirmations – They are powerful tools to bring you back to the present moment. “I am drawn into the present moment with peace and joy.”

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