4 Ways to Deal With Unpleasant Thoughts

We are bombarded on a daily basis with unpleasant media, thoughts, and events. To remain positive and in a state of love and grace is not easy. It is something that requires vigilance and awareness. Dealing with unpleasant thoughts is easy once you become aware of your thoughts. Try these 4 ways to deal with unpleasant thoughts.

First, become aware and then change can occur. Try spending just part of one day being mindful of your thoughts. Every time you have a negative or fearful thought, mark it down on a sheet of paper. Did you find any surprises?

Sometimes you can actually feel the fearful thoughts in your body, especially around your solar plexus. The solar plexus is about two inches above your navel. Try scanning your body next time you have some unpleasant thoughts and see if you can “feel” them. Again, first becomes awareness and then change.

The past several years, I have had to face many fears. Most days I think I am going along pretty darn well and then I hear a word or sentence uttered by someone and bam, the fear returns along with that awful feeling in my solar plexus. Let’s face it, many of our fears have been with us our whole life. They have a long history in our minds, but, we can deal with them and the sooner we dispel the negative thought the better.

Try this next time you are dealing with unpleasant thoughts.

1. When a fearful thought arises pray and demand that it go. Relay on the power of God for help.
2. Try saying, “I refuse to accept this thought and the mental and physical condition it has brought on me.”
3. Become aware of what you read and what media you watch. It is not necessary to know of every murder, robbery, or crime. Also, become aware of the books you read. I believe in reading the news, but, I do not engage in the negative thoughts. I release them.
4. When an unpleasant thought arises, close your eyes and picture a beautiful beach or mountain scene. When you open your eyes, do you feel a difference?

We are meant to have happy, cheerful, loving and beautiful thoughts and you CAN; give it a try!

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