Build Your Willpower and Self-Esteem
This video is about a journey I am embarking on and I would like you to join me. Let’s work together to increase our willpower and our self-esteem. With a commitment to yourself to take control in one area of…
This video is about a journey I am embarking on and I would like you to join me. Let’s work together to increase our willpower and our self-esteem. With a commitment to yourself to take control in one area of…
This blog is about a journey to develop willpower that I am embarking on, and I would like you to join me. But, first the background of how the journey started. Recently, I celebrated a birthday and as I normally…
Using the Law of Attraction all change first begins internally before it appears in our physical world. Learn to become a master of spiritual power and understand the Universal Laws. This video explains the three steps to spiritual power: Idealization,…
This video describes a technique that will allow you to relieve stress and become mindful of the present moment in a calm, relaxed, peaceful manner. I call it the “Telephone Meditation.” When you are calm and present, you are giving…
Our thoughts determine our attitude, the shape of our body and even the lines on our face. Learn to work with the Laws of Beauty and use the power of your mind to keep your vibrations high and discipline the…
First, how do you identify toxic friends? Do any of these sound familiar: disregard of boundaries, always right, not honest, control you and after you spend time with them your energy is drained. Your self-esteem will suffer being around friends…
You are not alone if you feel you need to build confidence. These are my personal six tips to increase your confidence and self-esteem. In addition, I describe a tool to take your power back and increase the energy in…
Our thoughts can be pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. Unpleasant thoughts can include anger, fear or sorrow. Learn to be the observer of your unpleasant emotions and thoughts by becoming aware of them instead of pushing them away. This video gives…
A vision board will allow you to keep a clear focus on your intentions and this video will describe two ways to accomplish this. The first is a traditional vision board using images to support your intentions. There is a…
Living with a grateful attitude will help your entire well being. There are many evidence-based studies that prove being grateful will help your physical health, improve your sleeping and increase your self-esteem. Also, being grateful will help you lead a…