The Magic of Believing

What does success mean to you? Success is different for everyone. To one person, it might be lots of money. To another, a powerful position. To another a wonderful, loving relationship. Using the magic of believing with creative thinking, you can achieve success.

Lot of people work hard, but, are not successful. Hard work alone is not enough to achieve you dreams. You must believe in them and have a very clear picture of what it is you want. A vague picture of success will not bring it to you. You must have a burning desire to achieve your objective of success.

Aimlessly drifting through life, like a log going down a river, will not bring you your desires. You must first determine in very clear terms what it is you desire. You must visualize it and clearly picture yourself as successful.

The visualization charges your sub-conscious mind. Our sub-conscious mind is a powerhouse of energy and has the resources to give you the strength, courage and faith to reach your dreams. That is the magic of believing. You must see yourself as successful and believe it for the sub-conscious mind to do its job.

1. The first step is to get a very clear picture what you want.
2. Next, write it down and refer to it often. Get the burning desire!!
3. Wait patiently for your sub-conscious mind to do its job.

Some questions to help you develop that clear desire.

What is your goal?
What will your life be like after you have achieved everything you want?
How does it feel?
Who is there with you?
What are your ideal surroundings like?
What can you smell?
What do you look like?
What are you wearing?

Start today to put those goals for success in concrete terms. Feel it, believe it. That is the magic of believing and it works!

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