Your Mind Can Enhance Your Beauty

The power of our thoughts have tremendous effects on our outer beauty. Our thoughts shape our faces. The Law for Beauty is the same as the Law of Attraction. The thoughts you put out will manifest on your face and body. The good news is that you can control this and your mind can enhance your beauty.

The health and beauty industry has sales of $55 billion annually. Most women in the United States spend $215 a year on cosmetics. To get ready in the morning, 25% of men and 21% of women spent over 30 minutes to get out the door. When going out at night 42% of women spend over 30 minutes getting ready. In 2013, in the United States, there were 15.1 million cosmetic procedures.

Obviously, we spend a lot of time and money on ourselves and our beauty. Why not spend some of this time learning to control your thoughts? It would parlay into spending less on beauty supplies, because your beauty would shine from within.

We have the age of the body and the age of the mind. Someone that has cheerful thoughts will have a cheerful face without the need for external enhancements. To preserve your beauty, have thoughts of health, vigor, and love. To become unattractive have thoughts of weakness, disease, and depression.

Thoughts can be like a magnet; you attract that which you think. If someone has a scowl on their face, that is an indication of their thoughts. Our face is an advertisement to our thoughts.

Expect to grow old, hunched over and decrypted and you will. Your wish will be granted.

How to Change:
1. Spend some time looking in the mirror and saying positive affirmations. I feel great. I love and approve of myself. I will send love to everyone I meet today.
2. Repeat similar affirmations in the evening.
3. Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile often and smile at everyone you encounter.
4. When negative thoughts arise, immediately shut the door on them.

With this practice, you will notice a difference in your facial features. Learn to use the power of your thoughts wisely.

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