The Magic of Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful feeling that will raise your vibration and your energy. When your energy is vibrating at a higher frequency, you will attract more happiness, more love, and more abundance into your life. Gratitude is not ego driven. It is aligned with your true Inner Self and helps you remain in a state of grace. Learn and practice the magic of gratitude.

Think of gratitude like a magnet, and you are pulling more blessing toward yourself. Gratitude is felt in the heart, not the head. When you can remain in a state of gratitude, miracles will occur.

If you feel you are Blessed, more Blessings will follow.

Some days it can be very difficult to feel thankful for anything, but, that is when you dig deep and find something simple to be thankful for. It could be the way the light shines through a window. I could be the sound of the birds chirping in the morning. It could be the person that smiled at you today. It could be a beautiful cloud formation.

Today start a gratitude practice, and you will see positive changes in your life.

Try the ideas below:

1. Before you get out of bed in the morning, think of five things you are grateful for.
2. Keep a gratitude journal. Every day write down several things you are grateful for. Try not to repeat the items.
3. Get into the practice of smiling. Smile at the check-out person at the grocery store. Smile at the stranger that you pass on the street.
4. Write a letter to someone to thank them for their love or their help. How about thanking a former teacher that mentored you?
5. Keep a list handy throughout the day. Every time you feel blessed, write it down. Look it over at the end of the day. How does it make you feel?

Raise your vibration and your energy levels with gratitude. Use the laws of the Universe to work with you, not against you.

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