Why Positive Affirmations Work

Our minds are constantly filled with chatter. Most of the time we are not even aware of our thoughts. They go on and on in an endless stream. Usually, our thoughts are not positive and uplifting. They dwell in the future or the past. When I speak of the mind and thoughts, I am referring to the conscious mind, our ego. Or should I say ego with a capital E. Why positive affirmations work? They help us control our thoughts instead of allowing our thoughts to control us.

Have you ever listened to a song on the radio while driving and hours later you are still singing the words in your head? It may not even be a song you particularly like. But, that is how our conscious minds work. If we are not aware of our thoughts, anything can be going on.

The reason we want to be aware of our thoughts is that they are being programmed into our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind has no ego and is very obedient. It will bring about on the physical plane what we tell it. That is great news if we are careful what we tell it.

That is why positive affirmations work and are important. Instead of thinking about failure, fear, or lack, positive affirmations help us tell the subconscious mind what we want in our life. You might think this is too good to be true. It isn’t. This is a Universal Law that is simple but, difficult to be consistent with daily.

What are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements that are written in the present tense. Below are some examples.
All is well in my world.
I am healthy.
I am creating my happiness.
I am lovable.
I believe in myself.

By becoming aware of our thoughts and taking control of them, we can and will bring about positive change in our lives.

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