Creating a Worry Box

A worry box is a great tool for dealing with fear. Fear and worry can both be forms of prayer, but, not the type of prayer you want to draw your energy too. Sometimes we can get caught in the spiral of fear and before we know it our fear encompasses many aspects of our lives. That is why I like to have several tools to deal with fear and creating a worry box is one of my favorites.

Normally, I try to nip fear in the bud. I have had many hurdles the past several years and it has taught me to overcome and deal with fear. If we do not deal with it, we are imprinting the fear on our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind does not judge and obeys whatever we tell it.

If we are concentrating on thoughts of worry or fear, that is exactly what we are putting in our subconscious mind. Consider the analogy of a garden, instead of growing flowers, you are planting weeds. It has been written that fear is man’s greatest enemy. However, the good news is that you can control and overcome it.

The past several months, I have had many challenges. It seemed that whatever I put into motion just stopped dead in its’ tracks. Lots of hard work produced nothing. It was a very frustrating time, like, I was running in place and getting nowhere. This is when worry and fear starting trying to take over. But, I was determined to deal with it and move on. The worry box is one of the tools I used.

Steps to Make Worry Box

1. Find a box you want to use. You probably already have one in your home. It could be a decorative box that is empty. Empty boxes are stagnant energy, put that box to use. Or you can use any small cardboard box and decorate it. Have some fun and let those creative juices flow.
2. Next, light a candle or some incense and say a prayer for guidance and strength. Write down your worries. I remember years ago having worry dolls. I would tell each one of them my problems and then put them in a small pouch. This is a very similar activity.
3. Cut out each “worry” and place it in your box. As you place each one, ask God to surround each of your worries with his Divine Love and Wisdom to help you work through them. Say a prayer of Gratitude that God has heard and will answer your prayers. Have trust and faith in God.
4. Close the box and leave the worries there. When you think about them or fear begins to set in, declare that God, the Universal Intelligence, is working on each and every one is perfect timing and in a perfect way.

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