Healing From a Broken Heart
Try this two-step process to free yourself from anger, hurt, and resentment. Learn to move on and get your happy back.
Try this two-step process to free yourself from anger, hurt, and resentment. Learn to move on and get your happy back.
If you think something is impossible, you wish will be granted. Instead, open the door to infinite possibilities and make it a habit of saying, “I can.” Watch this video to get motivated and learn why.
If your affirmations are not working it is because you do not believe them. Try this technique to build a wealth consciousness and attract abundance in your life.
A thought is one of the mightiest means of creation. With our thoughts, we create small things, and if we can train our mind, we can create large things in our life. Out of habit, our thoughts are usually all…
By living in the present moment, you can lead a life filled with joy. Try these two techniques to train your mind for one pointed attention and mindfulness.
Every day you have a choice to make it a great day. Make it a habit of choosing happiness.
“The Little French Bistro” is a mesmerizing novel that needs to be added to your summer reading list. The beautiful descriptions of the French Rivera, the landscape, and the food will entice you to plan a trip or at the…
Gratitude will raise your vibrational level and like a magnet have you attract happiness and abundance.
Gratitude is a powerful feeling that will raise your vibration and your energy. When your energy is vibrating at a higher frequency, you will attract more happiness, more love, and more abundance into your life. Gratitude is not ego driven.…
When we feel anxious, it is because we are not living in the present moment. Stress or anxiety is fear based. We worry about what “may” happen in the future or we have regrets about the past. We cannot change…