Powerful Morning Routine for Success
You may be thinking, I do not need one more thing to in the morning, however, spending just a few minutes at the start of your day puts you in charge of your day. You become the captain of the…
You may be thinking, I do not need one more thing to in the morning, however, spending just a few minutes at the start of your day puts you in charge of your day. You become the captain of the…
During sleep, our mind is still active. That is what keeps our heart beating and our lungs breathing. During deep states of sleep, our subconscious mind is open and is the gateway to Universal Mind. The video will describe the…
If you are looking and wanting love, but, nothing seems to be working, try clearing your energy field first. This video describes how to begin manifesting love in four steps. True love attracts true love. You attract what you are!…
The present moment is tolerable. Living in the past or worrying about the future creates stress in our lives. We cannot change the past, nor can we control everything that happens in the future. Mindfulness, being present in the moment,…
In order to manifest, you must first clearly define your desires to Source and then activate the natural power for miracles. This video goes over 3 steps in this process and describes the #1 reason for failure to manifest your…
This video gives four ways to balance your heart chakra energy. Sometimes our heart energy can be deficient or excessive. Learn to balance this energy and become open to find love. Clear your energy field with these four easy techniques.…
Money consciousness is an attitude of the mind. Strong desire sets this energy in motion and visualization is the perfect tool to amplify a strong desire. If we spend time concentrating on what we want, channels will open up for…
There is a full moon today and this is a great day to use this powerful energy to release the past. Cut those cords. This video will explain four ways to release and cleanse.
What we think we become. All change starts from within. Our physical bodies redo themselves every eight to ten months, so, your thoughts today will show on your face in a few months time. This video gives four ways to…
It is a law of physics that our bodies are made of energy. Within the vibrations are different frequencies from high to low. If you are feeling tired, out of sync, depressed or have a physical illness. Your vibration is…