Category Lifestyle

divorce, divorced, divorced women, divorce the divorce

10 Ways to Save Money

After my divorce, I had to come up with ways to spend less and save money. I no longer lived in a two income household. So, I came up with 10 ways to save money. If it seems too overwhelming…

Book Review “Triggers”

“Triggers” is a must read for all coaches, yet, it is clear enough for anybody looking to change their lives. It provides practical tools to implement change. Marshall Goldsmith, an executive coach, uses examples from his clients to illustrate the…

divorce advice, divorce, divorced women

Divorce the Divorce

Thank you to Katrina, the author of the blog, “figuring out 40”, for this review of my book. You can find Katrina”s website here. “Divorce the Divorce” Book Review            I’m going to cut to the chase…

divorce, divorced women, single women, single happy strong

Sleepless Night?

Normally, I have no problems getting a really good night’s sleep, but, every now and then I find myself awake all night. Have you ever had that problem? For no apparent reason, the clock is at 2, then 3, then…

divorce advice, divorce, single happy strong, affirmations


A friend and I were talking this morning that there will always be people who have more than us and people who have less. He started reciting the beautiful poem, Desiderata. This poem is filled with so much wisdom. I…