When you woke up today, were you excited to start the day? Did you begin the day with a sense of excitement or wonder? Or, did you think, darn, another day? We get trapped in habitual thinking and narrow minded thinking instead of looking at the possibilities. If you began your day with gratitude, it could set the tone for your entire day. Choose gratitude.
Recently, I broke several bones in my foot and it required surgery. I was unable to put any weight on my foot for about six weeks. In a few seconds, my life dramatically changed. Before this, I went to the gym daily and did the minimal workout. Now that working out is not an option, I can hardly wait to go back to the gym and do a kick butt workout.
You may have a job you dislike or dread going to. What if you were unemployed and did not know how to pay the bills this month? If you dislike your job, take some action steps to change careers or change your position, but, in the meantime, be grateful that you have a job, there are many people today that do not have that luxury.
You may not like where you live. What if you were homeless? Again, be grateful you have a place to call home and take action steps to make changes.
This week, try this experiment. When you begin to feel depressed about something, imagine if it was taken away from you. How would you feel? Begin to be thankful for the many blessings you currently have in your life.
Expect something wonderful to happen and that is what you will bring into your life. Get out of the habit of negative thinking. Chip away at it little by little, just like chipping ice from a pond at winter’s end.
“I am the strength, the courage and power to move forward through all experiences and remain joyous.”
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