Happy Thoughts Challenge

Have you felt the intense energy of the past few weeks? It seems to me that the year has started with a bang. Many things have not gone exactly like I had planned or had hoped they would go. Several of these circumstances are beyond my control. I cannot control the circumstances, but, I can control my thoughts and my reactions to the situations. And you can too. You have the power to control your thoughts and the ability to focus on solutions instead of problems. So, this week, we are going to try “The Happy Thoughts Challenge.”

It can be old habits that have us first react to problems with negativity and fear. These are lower vibrating energies that can stop manifestations and solutions. If we keep our thoughts happy and positive about a challenging situation or problem. We vibrate at a higher energy and connect with our Inner Self. Our Inner Self is connected to Divine Intelligence and that enable us to find solutions.

Fear and worry will spiral into more fear and worry. Shut the door on them and focus on God where the problem is. Say NO to fear, stop it in its track. When fear sets in, repeat simple affirmations like the following:

God is love.
I am surrounded by Divine Love.
God is guiding me now.
There is no power but God.

Another tool is to imagine the problem already solved. Of course, be flexible as to how it would be solved. Picture yourself and visualize how you would feel, how you would look, and how your life would be with the problem solved. Think positive, happy thoughts and that is what you will attract.

The Happy Thoughts Challenge

This week, pick one problem, one challenge or one circumstance in your life that you would like to change. Then pick one day this week to change your thoughts about the situation. Instead of fear or worry, substitute one of the affirmations listed above. Also, spend at least 10 minutes visualizing the problem solved! At the end of the day, journal about how you felt doing this challenge. If you felt a difference, try it a second day.

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