Dating after Divorce

Dating after divorce can be the good, the bad and the ugly. When you start dating, I can pretty much guarantee that you will experience all three. I certainly have. One date, who I will call Jack, not his real name, invited me over for dinner and to watch a football game. He had steak, crab claws, baked potatoes, corn and salad. Really a very nice, well thought out dinner. He lived in a beautiful home on the water and we decided to enjoy our dinner outside. Well, Jack must have been watching a lot of football that day and enjoying some beers. He burnt the steak and forgot to serve the corn. During dinner he fell off his chair flat onto the floor, his crab claws went flying. I could not help him because I was busy trying to get a crab claw from his dog’s mouth. He picked himself up and did not say a word. Pretty soon after that, I excused myself and drove home.

There was another date that was not quite accurate about his age. Let’s call him, Dennis. I met Dennis for dinner at his country club. They had a beautiful buffet and a separate salad bar. Dennis had trouble walking and keeping his balance. I had to help him get his food and carry it our table. He was about 20 years older that he admitted.

Trust me, you will have some great and some not so great experiences. Try to relax and enjoy the moment. What is meant to happen will happen. Be yourself. Do not get stressed by desperately trying to find ‘the one”. When you are happy and relaxed people will be drawn to you. Stay positive and have faith that one day you will meet “the One”. Until then, enjoy your life.

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Theresa D.
Theresa D.
10 years ago

Looks like this is going to be a fun blog to read!

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