Miracles are Seen in Light

Miracles are seen in light. This statement is from “A Course in Miracles.” Miracles can and do occur in our life. But, we must remain in God’s light to experience the miracles.

What causes us to be in darkness? When we are filled with fear, when we are weak, and when we are doubtful, that is when we are in darkness. When we are in darkness, we are not putting our faith in God and any miracles will remain unseen. In darkness, we are putting our faith in our problems and in our fears, instead of in God.

We have the power to be strong, have faith and go to what we want. We have the power to instruct our mind and be in God’s light. That is when we walk and live in the light. God’s strength and love can become yours. Become a flashlight and remove the darkness.

We can remain in the light by quieting our minds every day. Spending at least ten minutes every day in meditation or prayer will allow you to leave your weakness behind. It will allow you to get in touch with your Inner Self that is perfectly created by God. By setting aside some quiet time, you will for a few moments, disconnect from the physical world and enter the realm where miracles occur.

Meditation will also allow you to undo any negative thoughts you may have about yourself.

I am not weak, but strong.
I am no helpless, but all powerful.
I am not limited, but unlimited.
I am not doubtful, but certain.
I cannot see in darkness, but in light.

Living in light is where we are meant to live and thrive. Turn on your flashlight and remove any darkness, that is when miracles will occur. Keep track of your miracles, write them in a journal. It will serve to remind you of God’s strength and love.

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