Spring Equinox is a Time to Let Go

spring equinox, divorce, divorce advice, single happy strongToday is the spring equinox and the first day of spring. Spring is a time of rebirth and spring equinox is a time to let go of the past. Letting go the past can take many forms. It is not always easy to let go. We are more comfortable with what we know even if it no longer serves us. By letting go of the past we are allowing the Universe to bring new things into our lives.

Keep the lessons you have learned from the past, but, move forward. Your burden will lighten and you will have more energy. There are many ways to let the past go: some of the ways maybe small and others may be larger and require more courage. Look at the steps below and see if you can relate to any of them.

1. Is there anyone you need to forgive? Holding anger or resentment keeps you in a dark place in the past. Spend some time this week practicing forgiveness.
2. How about cleaning your closets or cabinets? Is there something you have not used the past year or something you have not worn, get rid of it. Consider giving what you no longer want to someone who will love and adore it. You are freeing up the energy to allow the Universe to fill that space.
3. Are you surrounded by friends that support you and make you feel fantastic? If not, perhaps there are some friends that you need to let go of.
4. This fourth step is the one that resonates the most with me. Letting go of your past “mental” patterns. My fear the last several years has been the lack of money. This is a tough one for me to change. But, I am now working on letting go of the past, just because things were tough in the past does not mean it will be that way in the future. Today is a new day and the spring equinox is a fantastic time to stay positive and know tomorrow can bring abundance and miracles.

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