A Year of New Beginnings
Happy New Year! In numerology, 2016 was a nine year. A nine year is a year of endings and completions. 2017 is a one year. A year of new beginnings. Are you ready for some new beginnings? I feel that…
Happy New Year! In numerology, 2016 was a nine year. A nine year is a year of endings and completions. 2017 is a one year. A year of new beginnings. Are you ready for some new beginnings? I feel that…
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could keep the holiday feelings and sentiments alive all year? I do believe it is possible. How wonderful it would be, to be filled with joy and peace all year? Let’s take this a…
There are so many commitments and expectations this time of year, in addition to your normal, daily responsibilities. It is easy to get caught up in the “should” instead of what you would really like to do. When I get…
With the year coming to an end, it is a good time to review your life this past year. There were probably some great moments and some disappointments. Maybe looking back, the year was just not what you expected or…
This simple meditation is a great way to open your heart chakra and feel the energy of giving and receiving love. This meditation is great to do if you want to attract a relationship into your life. Of course, it…
Happy Thanksgiving! This is a favorite prayer of mine and perfect for Thanksgiving. Let Me Walk in Beauty -Chief Yellow Lark O Great Spirit, Whose voice I hear in the winds And whose breath gives life to all the world,…
What do you believe? Do you believe that life is difficult? That happiness is not within your reach? That poverty and suffering are normal? If those are your beliefs, then that is exactly what your life will be like. We…
The recent presidential election has divided the United States. On both sides, there is a lot of anger, negativity, and resentment. It was a negative campaign and that negativity is surrounding all of us. We have a new president and…
How did you wake up feeling this morning? Were your first thoughts, “Oh no another day?” The first part of our morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Our thoughts manifest into our lives. If you started the…
The subconscious mind is your gold mine. It does what we tell it to do. There are not two minds. There are merely two spheres of activity within one mind: the conscious and sub-conscious mind. The conscious mind is our…